Events, presentations, seminars, conferences, ...
Scroll down past information for Upcoming Events:
Upcoming events are also always posted on our facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wassgroup/
WASS events are always open to any person who wishes to attend.
WASS provides the community, people interested in sexology and health professionals the opportunity to attend regular events on the broad topics within sexology.
These events vary greatly from month to month but there are usually two events per month: they could be a presentation and/or seminar, and/or a filmshow. We also assist, develop and co-coordinate or present conferences where WASS members get discounts on registration. IN FACT: as a WASS member you get the presentations, seminars and filmshows free!
Also as a WASS member you will be able to access the members section which allows you to view recorded presentations of some of the events and seminars.

These seminars are usually a couple to several people discussing a specific topic.
Past seminars:
Sexuality education in schools.
Sexuality and relationship education from home.
Positive sexual experiences within wonderful intimacy, during pregnancy.
The need of a Gender Centre in WA.
Erectile difficulties and what helps.
Tantra - the real aspects relating to sexuality
Sexual orientation.
Sex is good for you.
Finding the things that make you feel good sexually.
Body modification
Sexuality and disability.
Sexual assault: reasons and treatment.
The rising rate of genital surgery.
Positive sexual experiences after sexual assault.
Sexual self concept - what is going wrong for so many people?
When you can't 'perform the normal way' sexually?!
Polyamorous relationships.
Advacements in sexual understanding.
Sex toys, computer sex games and the future of sexual pleasure.
Facilitated Sexual Activity.
Advancements in sexuality therapy.
Real dolls and their role with some people.
Sexual consent - what it actually means.
Update on HIV/AIDS.
Sex work and the Law.
........... and many many more

Community Presentations
These presentations are usually one person presenting on a topic.
Some past Presentations:
The impact of breast cancer and treatment on sexuality.
Sexological bodywork.
Enhancing intimacy and sexual pleasure.
Communication for the intimate, sexual couple.
Religion and sexuality.
Dealing with jealousy.
Sexual violence.
Sex and drugs - what helps and what doesn't.
Older age sexuality.
Internet pornography and censorship.
How to assist a child to teenager to understand positive sexuality.
Sex Work.
50 Shades of real sex.
Disability and sexuality.
Male sexual arousal.
Gender bending, intersex and transgender.
Understanding fetishes.
What is BDSM?
IVF and sexuality.
How to overcome sexual stress or anxiety.
............. and many many more!

Conferences - local and others
WASS supports the develoopment of sexuality conferences, or actually conducts sexology conferences. Our most successful, fully booked out, conference was 'New Directions in Sexology' in Fremantle and our next long anticipated conference will be 'Diversity in Sexology' which we hope to conduct in 2016.
WASS conducted conferences are always held in WA close to Perth or Fremantle, are always sex positive and diverse, wheelchair accessible and as far as possible conducted in a manner where people can experience excellence in presenations and workshops without the often too high a price for registration and participation - we try to make our conferences financially accessible to people and excellent!!
We are involved with other organisations locally, nationally and internationally and advertise their conferences on the WASS Facebook page:
Filmshows & Discussion
WASS show specific movies and documentaries at 'Filmshow' nights which when finished are discussed, providing a forum for critical, fun, academic and general discussion around the topic.
Past filmshows:
Sex Trade
American Fetish
Scarlet Road
The Sessions
........ and many many more!
UPcoming Events:
Contact events@wass.org.au for inquiries or ideas for other events
Check out the WASS Facebook page for more details of events.
DRAFT events for 2021 will be posted in early December 2020 and
most likely will be on a Wednesday.
WASS is committed to hosting events that are open to the community, addressing and informing about the broad and diverse areas within sexology