As an Incorporated Association WASS is governed by a Committee of Management
Over the years there have been many people who have voluntarily given their time to be on the Committee of Management (CoM) of WASS Inc. We wish to thank these people for their time, wisdom and direction in the Society that has continued to support community education of sexuality and also support high standards and continuing education of professionals from a variety of backgrounds.
Each year, at the Annual General Meeting of WASS Inc, the Board members are elected to their positions.
As a member you are encouraged to support the governance of WASS Inc through nominating to be a member of the BoM, or to be a member of one of the sub-committees, or to provide assistance at events etc.
The current WASS Board of Management for 2017-2018 are:
Chairperson: Ryan Gay
Vice-Chairperson: Laura Milosavljevic
Treasurer: Hugh Collin
Secretary: Jaimie Hilton
Ordinary Member: Sandra Basham
Ordinary Member: currently vacant and the Board will put out expressions of interest in December 2019
Student Representative: currently vacant and the Board will put out expressions of interest in December 2019
Board meetings are open to any member who wishes to come along but we ask you to confirm your attendance with the secretary@wass.org.au
Russ Davey Student Sexology Award
Russ Davey was the student representative on the WASS Board in 1997 and the President of WASS from 1998 to the end of 1999.
During this time Russ was intensely involved in researching sexology and was completing his PhD in Sexology. Russ was instrumental in the restructure of WASS and the Australian Society of Sexuality Educators, Researchers, and Therapists: ASSERT.
In early 2000 Russ died from cancer.
To honour his work in the broad area of sexology and specifically his work within WASS, an annual Award until 2010 was established by WASS and concluded in 2010.
Criteria for the Award: during the calendar year the student with the highest grade in a 2nd, 3rd or 4th postgraduate unit in sexology at Curtin University will receive the award.
The award, was a certificate and a cheque for $500, being testament to outstanding effort and achievement in a unit in sexology.
The recipients of the Russ Davey Student Sexology Award
2000 Ms Katie Scott
2001 Miss Angela Formato
2002 Ms Rebecca Bunney
2003 Ms Jenny Price
2004 Ms Nicole Cartier & Ms Calee Spinney
2005 Ms Leanne Aurisch
2006 Ms Fabia Hunter
2007 Ms Kylie Black
2008 Ms Kelly McDonell
2009 Ms Helena Green
2010 Ms Emma Stewart
WASS wish to congratulate all these people who have contributed greatly to the WA sexology field throughout their sexology studies
WASS Life Members
Life memberships are awarded to those people who have made considerable contributions to WASS or the field of sexology locally, Nationally and internationally, or all these. A life membership is one of the highest achievements that an organisation can bestoy on a person. These people are nominated to the Board of Management and the Board reviews the documents presented, contacts others for information and then decides on the Life Memebership which is usually presented at the WASS AGM.
WASS is extremely grateful to the following Life Members who have given so much to sexology and the association:
WASS Life Members
Life Member Awarded
Dr Carol Dellar 1988
Dr Gwen Leavesley 1989
Prof Rosemary Coates 1990
Dr Gareth Merriman 2003
Dr Lorel Mayberry 2008
Dr Vivienne Cass 2009
Ms Kath Mazzela 2011